Gather in Taining with the Landscape! Huge Energy's Summer Team Building Retreat 2024 Wraps Up with a Bang! 2024-08-16

To add some excitement to our routine and bring the team closer together, Huge Energy hosted an unforgettable team-building retreat from August 10th to 11th. Employees and their families gathered together in Taining, a city rich in history, known as the "Ancient Town of Han and Tang Dynasties" and the "Famous City of the Song Dynasty." Over these two days, we made memories full of laughter and adventure.

Day 1: Jiulongtan Adventures and Strolling Through Taining's Ancient Charm

Our adventure kicked off on the morning of August 10th as we set out from the office, full of energy and excitement. We made it to Jiulongtan after lunch, where a bamboo raft journey awaited. Gliding down the winding Shangqing Creek, we soaked in the peaceful sounds of the flowing water and the serene beauty all around us.

As evening fell, we took a leisurely stroll through the ancient streets of Taining. The unique charm and rich history of the town came alive as we explored, deepening our appreciation for this beautiful place and for each other.

Day 2: Cruising Dajin Lake and Uncovering Shangshudi's Hidden Gems

The following morning began with an enchanting cruise on Dajin Lake, taking in the breathtaking Danxia landforms with our colleagues and loved ones by our side. After docking, we went up and explored Ganluyan Temple, often referred to as the "Hanging Temple of the South," where we had a blast navigating the impressive rock formations and marveling at the ancient architectural brilliance.

After a delicious lunch, our journey took us to Shangshudi, the best-preserved ancient residential complex from the Ming Dynasty in Jiangnan. We then continued to Red Army Street and Zhuangyuan Cultural Park, where we immersed ourselves in Taining's rich historical and cultural heritage. As the sun began to set, our two-day team-building excursion drew to a close.

Time flies when you're having fun! This retreat wasn't just about taking a break—it was about recharging our spirits, connecting with our families, and enjoying every moment together. At Huge Energy, we believe that by working and playing as a team, we can make both our lives and our work even better!

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